Horror Stories and Virtual Reality
In recent years, the horror genre has seen a rise in popularity due to the emergence of new technologies like augmented and virtual reality. One such technology, 360° videos made it possible for viewers to experience horror stories in a whole new way. But how does 360° video work? And what makes it an ideal medium for horror? Let’s take a closer look.
What is 360° Video?
360° video is an immersive type of media that lets viewers experience a scene from every angle by panning around the 360-degree environment. It’s usually viewed with virtual reality (VR) headsets such as the very popular Quest 1 and Quest 2 but can also be experienced on a smartphone or tablet . The effect is both disorienting and captivating, making it perfect for horror movies and other suspenseful genres.
Why Does Horror Work So Well With 360° Videos?
Horror stories work exceptionally well with 360° videos because they give viewers the opportunity to explore their environment like never before. This allows filmmakers to create suspenseful sequences that are sure to leave audiences on the edge of their seats, as they search for clues or try to anticipate what might happen next. Filmmakers can craft 360° scenes that really draw out the tension leading up to dramatic moments.
Moreover, being in the middle of a virtual environment adds an extra layer of realism that further heightens the viewer’s feeling of presence and immersion within the story world – something that traditional 2D filmmaking simply cannot offer. This added level of immersion allows filmmakers to build on existing horror stories while still managing to surprise viewers with unexpected twists and turns along the way. If you like horror videos then get our new “VR Horror Stories” for the Meta Quest platform on the Meta Quest Store here. Smart phone owners can also have a taste of the 360 video virtual reality experience on the App Store and Google Play Store.
Immersive Horror Experience
Ultimately, pairing horror with 360° videos is a match made in heaven — both metaphorically speaking and literally! The immersive nature of this medium puts viewers right at the heart of the action while allowing them to explore their surroundings from every angle imaginable — all without ever having to leave their couch!
So if you’re looking for an intense viewing experience unlike any other, then give 360° video horror stories a try — you won’t be disappointed!